9818248937, 9999853800

Our Mission

Our mission is to support customers worldwide the best quality standards. We continuously look for the best technical, financial and Human Resource to improve the quality of our services.

Our Vision

Your vision is your most important dream or mental picture. It can also be a set of dreams and long-term goals. A vision defines the optimal desired future state; it tells of what you would like to achieve over a longer time. Vision can be your personal “why” or the organization's internal purpose of existence.

Our Journey

The highlight of our journey was the historical celebration GCE used the opportunity to amplify successes and gains achieved in the education movement. The celebration also presented an opportunity to reflect on challenges and deepen collective action moving forward.


Our work experience is limited." "Many students had prior experience using the software." "We learned about the historical experiences of early settlers."


  • 01 Our founder

    Our founder is MR Banvari lal, He established the Choudhary Tourists Company in 1984, over the period of success they had changed the name of the company in 2015. The new name of the company is Chaudhary Aviation Facilities Pvt. Ltd.

  • In CAF Pvt. Ltd. We achieved many success in th aviation industry. Now the company is a member of ASA. we did many projects in the aviation sector like


Ground Support, Technical and Non technical support


Technical , Equipment, Ground Support


Technical Support , sale purchase and Consultancy service


Technical , Equipment, Ground Support


sale purchase and Consultancy service and Dismantling services


Buy Two heli chopper in bid.


Ac Parts Supply + Engine, Ground Support


Support and Build infrastructure for Licence


Two Air Craft Buy (Falcon and Challenger )